Digital art portfolio


C. elegans

Neuromedin U signaling regulates retrieval of learned salt avoidance in a C. elegans gustatory circuit by Jan Watteyne.

Theses cover with c. elegans render. Glassy 3D render of a warm.


A proteogenomic endeavour investigating the unexplored domain of putatively coding small open reading frames by Volodimir Olexiouk.

My illustration for SORFS thesis. V. Olexiouk custom thesis cover illustration. V. Olexiouk custom thesis cover illustration.

Unreal Tournament 4 map blockouts

Some freelance amateur work for the new Unreal Tournament.


Mountainous UT map blockout Mountainous UT map blockout Mountainous UT map blockout Mountainous UT map blockout Mountainous UT map blockout Mountainous UT map blockout


Futuristic oil rig UT map blockout Futuristic oil rig UT map blockout Futuristic oil rig UT map blockout

Instrumentheek vzw. promo

Made with Adobe After Effects. Instrumentheek vzw. is a non-profit tool library co-founded with friends.

Scifi props

My assets for a DAE group project with Emiel De Paepe and Brecht Lecluyse.

Modular pillar props. Modular pillar props. Modular pillar props. Modular pillar props. Modular pillar props. Modular pillar props. Modular pillar props.

3D Vista: Pompey's Pillar

My entry for a second-year final project where we had to recreate a scene of choice. My scene consists of Pompey’s Pillar; Blarney Castle; and Craco, Italy. Together with my 3D city scene resembling Sicily, this work was featured on the college’s student showcase web page.

Blarney Castle 3D impression Pompeys pillar stairs Blarney's castle Unknown flowery ruin

Stevens Mod 620 Shotgun

Stevens Mod 620 Shotgun Stevens Mod 620 Shotgun Stevens Mod 620 Shotgun Stevens Mod 620 Shotgun Stevens Mod 620 Shotgun Stevens Mod 620 Shotgun Stevens Mod 620 Shotgun Stevens Mod 620 Shotgun

3D City Scene: Sicily

My entry for the first ‘important’ DAE 3D assignment where we had to replicate the atmosphere of a particular city. I chose a location in Sicily. Together with my 3D vista of Pompey’s Pillar, this work was featured on the college’s student showcase web page.

Sicily inspired 3D City Scene Sicily inspired 3D City Scene Sicily inspired 3D City Scene Sicily inspired 3D City Scene Sicily inspired 3D City Scene Sicily inspired 3D City Scene Sicily inspired 3D City Scene Sicily inspired 3D City Scene Sicily inspired 3D City Scene Sicily inspired 3D City Scene Sicily inspired 3D City Scene Sicily inspired 3D City Scene Sicily inspired 3D City Scene

UDK: DM-Vault

A second-year DAE level design entry where we had to create an Unreal Tournament level with default assets in UDK.

Foundry-like UT level Foundry-like UT level Foundry-like UT level Foundry-like UT level


I like tractors. (Forever WIP.)

Tractor 3D model. Tractor 3D model. Tractor 3D model.